TrustedWatch - All about watches



Legal note


Heilbronner Str. 30
D - 74223 Flein

Geschäftsführer / CEO: Frank Ammann
Registergericht / Legal domicile: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registernummer / Commercial Registry: HRB 722138
Sitz der Gesellschaft / Domicile: 74223 Flein

Ust.-Ident.-Nr.: DE 252596151


(Phone) +49 (0)7131-628550
(Fax) +49 (0)7131-628557

Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:


Notice of liability:

Despite careful control of contents, we cannot assume any liability for the content of external pages linked. Solely, the operators of those linked pages are responsible for their contents.
No liability will be assumed for unsolicited manuscripts submitted. The editorial department assumes responsibility of press law for the contributions carrying the name or the initials of the author.

Brands and rights

All brands referred to on this website are registered brands or brands of the respective holder.
Errors on information expressively excepted. The responsibility for contents of the respective databank, forum or list of links lies not with the operator of the website; particularly details about brands and offers of the jewellers.
All information serves as personal information - a commercial use of descriptions and structuring is forbidden. We assume no liability for errors in the text or false and respectively missing links.

We are not liable for the accuracy of the information published, or consequences of naming and respectively not naming single indications. The respective providers or operators are responsible for the content of the offers on linked websites. The commercial use of the data to develop an own offer of information, e.g. link pages, search engines, registers of all kinds, etc is forbidden.