Current News from the Watch SectorGoogle News secures TrustedWatch the best search results placing
Since the introduction of Google news in 2002, the significance of news texts has continuously risen on the internet. In the area of the so-called "General search“ a special significance is attached to news texts. According to subject area, 1 or 2 of the most popular Top 10 orders by results are faded in topically from the Google news area.
TrustedWatch has been, since April 2009, one of the official Google News partners. All news regarding TrustedWatch is immediately indicated by Google and is reported by Google News. With this service, TrustedWatch is a regular in Google searches, resulting from the many relevant search words regarding the watch sector, prominently placed in realtime. For TrustedWatch, this partnership guarantees the immediate distribution and indexing of every announcement by Google, as well as the constant supply of new users. Google News profits from day-to-day, topical announcements from the watch sector.
Google News has for many years been the market-leading news aggregator which processes current news topics from the leading online newspaper and magazine platforms in a qualified manner, making this news available round-the-clock to their users.