
Who is the number 1?Bertold Werkmann

WatchRankingAward for the winners!Watch rankings from TrustedWatch determine the best websites in the watch industry

The companies in the watch industry invest a great deal of money and normally do not spare any costs when it comes to drawing attention to their brand and services.  This is also reflected in the presence on the Internet. Effective immediately, TrustedWatch will be determining the watch rankings each week for the websites of the watch industry, divided into watch factories, watch manufacturers, watchmakers and jewellers. The best websites and the most successful achievers of the year will then be annually awarded with the „WatchRankingAward“.

The remarkable thing about the rankings is that a jury doesn’t decide on the winners but rather many weighting online parameters. The homepages are evaluated according to criteria such as Yahoo backlinks, Google PageRank, Mister Wong bookmarks and Facebook posts. The logic behind this is very simple: the stronger a company is represented on the Internet compared to the competitors and the more it is referred to, the more well-known and renowned it becomes.

„Distinct winners of the current watch rankings are companies, who succeed in establishing close customer ties with their watches and services“ director of TrustedWatch Frank Ammann explains. „In times of Twitter and Facebook, it is especially possible for small and medium-sized businesses in the watch industry to approach many people with an intelligent and innovative marketing strategy.“ Frank Ammann continues.

To the watch rankings:

Print 06.05.2024