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Official partner of Google NewsTrustedWatch opts for Google News

Since April 2009, the watch portal TrustedWatch is official partner of Google News. The partnership enables Google News users to access articles and news in a quick and easy way. Google News is an automated news aggregator that collects headlines from 700 information sources worldwide, groups similar articles together and displays them according to each reader's personalized interests. It is available in 43 countries and in more than 20 languages.

Frank Ammann, TrustedWatch’s executive, sees the strategic aspect of the partnership as being particularly important. “For Online portals such as TrustedWatch, Google News is one of the company’s most innovative products and has a disproportionately large number of the most active users with the highest purchasing power on the Internet. Therefore, for us the partnership is a logical step to make TrustedWatch accessible to even more people in a quick and easy way.

Print 02.05.2024